Holy week


Good Friday

Dead. There are few words like it. But that’s what he was. Dead. The man who had once brought life to so many, both spiritually and physically. The man who had convinced others to give their lives to God in ways they never thought possible. The man who had promised the coming a new kingdom they would all be a part of, was dead. Not that most of them were there to see it. All but John had run away,…

Maunday Thursday

Awkward. That’s the best way to describe that dinner. First there was the whole ‘one of you is going to betray me’ thing. Judas wasn't so much a fan of that. Then there was the part where Peter told Jesus ‘I will never leave you even if everyone else does’, and Jesus said ‘actually Peter, I’m going to single you out and say that you’re going to deny me three times before the sun rises.’ And all of that was…


Betrayal. Even the word makes stomachs turn. The idea of having someone, anyone take the faith you’ve placed in them and use it against you, makes skin crawl. It kills relationships. It breaks hearts. It destroys trust. There is not much in the world that is worse than being betrayed. Especially by one of your best friends. I sometimes wonder how Jesus even looked at Judas from this point. Knowing full well what was going on. The man who has…

Table turning Tuesday

Have you ever flipped a table? I have, but only when trying to put them away. I’ve always thought there would be something intensely gratifying about flipping one just for the sake of making the statement ‘I AM ANGRY ABOUT SOMETHING!’ Movies and television shows make it look so easy, but those things can be heavy. Anger is a funny thing to me. It seems so inappropriate most of the time. Like it’s something to be avoided. I tell my…

Monday, Monday

“Monday, Monday (Bah da bah da da da), so good to me.” While he most likely wasn’t singing this song, I have to imagine Jesus was feeling a bit better about his Monday, than he had his Sunday. True, he was a day closer to the fate that awaited him. But he was also removed from the crowds, the pomp and the circumstance, and back with his friends in a small house outside the city. Each day they made the…

Palm Sunday

It was quite an entrance. I mean I have always dreamed of riding into the big city on a baby donkey, haven't you? Then there were the palms. Branches and cloaks spread out for Him to ride over. Not quite a red carpet, but I guess it would have to do. The shouts of the people ‘Hosanna!’, ’Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’, ‘Hosanna in the highest!’ The crowd lining the streets, His closest friends…