

Kingdom Come

I can imagine being right there next to Him. Hearing His words, and feeling His presence. Listening as He spoke to His Father in ways that I did not or could not understand. I can imagine the looks on the faces of my friends, as we experienced together the kind of prayers that would lead us to ask the question too.  ‘Lord, teach us to pray?’ Was it a question, or more of a statement? A demand in the gentlest…

Monday, Monday

“Monday, Monday (Bah da bah da da da), so good to me.” While he most likely wasn’t singing this song, I have to imagine Jesus was feeling a bit better about his Monday, than he had his Sunday. True, he was a day closer to the fate that awaited him. But he was also removed from the crowds, the pomp and the circumstance, and back with his friends in a small house outside the city. Each day they made the…