

Stop feeling sorry

“I’m sorry.” These two words are some of the most powerful in the English language. They have the power to heal, restore hope and bring people together like almost no other combination. Used correctly there’s almost nothing those words can’t do, including undo the past, if only in an emotional or figurative manner. Being sorry is an amazing thing, and in almost every circumstance, it is something I encourage people I counsel and those I love, to do.  So now,…

Miracles out of messes

They say hindsight is 20/20. Well, right now it is 2020, and I’ve begun to do a little reflecting. A little over ten years ago, we lost my father-in-law to suicide. It was awful - there’s no other way to say it. It was a complete shock to our family, and rocked our entire world. It was the result of brokenness and hurt - and I don’t for ONE SECOND believe it was God’s fault, or His plan. In fact,…

Goodbyes and Bike Rides

I didn’t see it coming. I was on our couch cuddling with my son Tuesday morning when I got a call from my aunt, informing me that within the hour my grandfather had passed. Adrenaline took over, and within a few seconds I was talking to my mom and letting her know I was on my way into town to help. The rest of the day seemed like every other day I have spent in similar circumstances (of which there…

Hope and help – from a whole lotta hurt

Suicide sucks. Sorry to for the bluntness and harsh language, but that’s about as ‘soft’ as I am comfortable going on the matter. It just plain sucks. Unfortunately, I would know. Tonight my wife and kids and I ate a fantabulous dinner of chili dogs, potato chips and root beer, in honor of her late father Neil, who’s death was 7 years ago today. Or at least that’s when we found out about it. Sadly, Neil, who was one of…