

Holding on to hurt

“What if you just let it go?” That’s a question most people can only ask others and not themselves. When a wrong has been done, it seems easy for those looking in from the outside to posit the suggestion that “letting go” would be easier and more productive than “hanging on” to hurt. Let go and let God the religious ones might even say. And you know what, it’s even scriptural it appears;  Philippians 4:5–7 (ESV)Let your reasonableness be known…

Get them with grace

There’s a phrase in pop culture that describes the way that people hope their kids live when they grow up, how they hope their bosses treat them at work, and how they’d like members of their families to react in their moments of weakness and mistakes. It’s short and sweet, it speaks softly - but carries a big stick. Perhaps you’ve heard someone say it. Perhaps you’ve used it yourself. “Kill them with kindness.”  At its core it’s a juxtaposition…

Giving up on getting even

There’s this thing about baseball that I think is pretty cool. They have what are considered to be “unwritten” rules. These are guidelines that apply to situations where there is no actual rule in the rulebook, but it is understood that there are certain things that everyone does or does not do. The unwritten rules also apply in such a manner that, if A happens, then B is likely to also occur.  For example, there is a very exciting scenario…