Christian living blog


if it doesn’t break your heart, it isn’t love

Sometimes the things that you don’t see coming change you the most. I guess it only makes sense, if you saw them coming you’d probably be more ready for them or something. I’d made kind of a habit of making sure I saw things coming. My whole life I’d played things safe, not gotten too far outside of my comfort zone, made sure that if life was happening it was happening on my terms. Looking back at it I’m actually…

what trinkle taught me

My brother once referred to pop as “trinkle” for almost an entire year of his life just because he thought it would be funny. That alone should tell you all you need to know about him, but I’ll continue. He once drank an entire container of boysenberry syrup at a Perkins at midnight for five dollars, which he then spent on one of those claw games in the entryway to gain possession of a stuffed duck, which he then almost…

lemons and lemonade

Kids say the darndest things. But so do adults. There are phrases or sayings in life that many people mindlessly repeat and/or use without fully considering their implications. At times, things like this can drive me nuts. One such phrase goes as follows: “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” It should be noted before I begin my dissertation here, that my loving and incredibly supportive professional editor uncle, will no doubt do some research on the origin and intended…

from football to faith

Let’s be clear about something – I love football. No if, ands or buts about it (for that matter no butts either.) A few years back I was deprived of my favorite game because of a player strike. Sunday afternoons from September to January just weren't the same without grown men throwing a piece of inflated pigskin back and forth while they clobber each other senselessly. I love football. It seems that sometimes you don’t fully understand how much you…

Seeing Sand

“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
 They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!
 And when I wake up, you are still with me!” Psalm 139:17-18 I had no idea how much sand there was. I had imagined in my mind the possible implications of verses like this one – and yet I had no idea. Then I went to a real beach - several of them actually – and…

forget me not

I didn’t use to be forgetful. In fact I would dare to say that I actually had an excellent memory. I could remember almost anything without writing it down, making notes, or having to re-look something up. It was pretty awesome actually. Then came my late twenties. I’m not sure exactly when it started, but as life got more complicated and stressful, I became more and more apt to forget. The things I want to forget are still there, but…

when I grow up

  When I grow up I want to be an adult. Don’t misunderstand me, its not that I didn’t enjoy my childhood – or that I have it out for young people. And I haven’t even seen Benjamin Buttons, mainly because the premise terrifies me, so don’t think it has anything to do with Brad Pitt either. No, mainly the reason I say this is because as I age I am becoming more convinced of two things. The first is…

being right

Sometimes I want to be right more than I want what is right. I’m not sure why. It’s not something anyone taught me. It’s just something I picked up along the way I guess. It’s not even like I do it for any particular reason. Say, for the sake of feeling more intelligent than someone, or getting to raise my hands clasped above my head in celebration? No. Then for what? Why do I continue to feed this need to…

in my opinion

Having an opinion is a good thing. Some people want you to believe it’s not, but that’s just their opinion. The way I see it there are really two types of opinions, those that are a personal preference or matter of taste, and those that require some backing. We all deal with the first ones every day. Favorite foods, sports teams, and movies are all prime examples. These are things that depend on where and when you grew up, what…

from 6.23.11

Some things in life are too obvious to be coincidence. They seem to happen at the most apropos time, and tie the knot in the bow of life to finish things off. I personally believe that things like this are not the result of chance, but rather divine providence. They just work out too well, you know? In any event, such an occasion occurred in my life last week, and it was seemingly magical. Without getting into too many specifics…