

That’s what friends are for (Wednesday)

When I was in third grade my dad threw me a surprise birthday party. I remember that it happened extremely well, because I was INCREDIBLY surprised. I walked into the back room of their house, looking for something I had been asked to retrieve, and a group of my classmates jumped out from behind the door, screamed surprise, and I nearly peed my pants. We spent the remainder of the night playing video games, eating junk food, staying up way…

Wednesday – thirty pieces of silver

No one wakes up one day and says “today is the day I am going to ruin my life.” It happens much more slowly than that. The worst moment, the worst choice, the worst day, all sneaks up on you through small, minute, seemingly inconsequential decisions until all at once they have reached their climax. Affairs don’t begin the minute you’re with another person. Murder doesn’t spring out of nowhere the second you pull the trigger. Thieves don’t walk into…


Betrayal. Even the word makes stomachs turn. The idea of having someone, anyone take the faith you’ve placed in them and use it against you, makes skin crawl. It kills relationships. It breaks hearts. It destroys trust. There is not much in the world that is worse than being betrayed. Especially by one of your best friends. I sometimes wonder how Jesus even looked at Judas from this point. Knowing full well what was going on. The man who has…