

Humans, we have a problem

There are not many things in the first world that compare to bailing “dirtied” water out of your sons toilet because he has put an entire roll of toilet paper into it and flushed. I would know. After about an hour of plunging I decided that wasn’t going to work, and so I moved on to the ‘Plumber MAXX.’ When that started bubbling almost to the point of unintentional evacuation, I decided that an ice cream bucket ‘bailing’ system was…

being right

Sometimes I want to be right more than I want what is right. I’m not sure why. It’s not something anyone taught me. It’s just something I picked up along the way I guess. It’s not even like I do it for any particular reason. Say, for the sake of feeling more intelligent than someone, or getting to raise my hands clasped above my head in celebration? No. Then for what? Why do I continue to feed this need to…

in my opinion

Having an opinion is a good thing. Some people want you to believe it’s not, but that’s just their opinion. The way I see it there are really two types of opinions, those that are a personal preference or matter of taste, and those that require some backing. We all deal with the first ones every day. Favorite foods, sports teams, and movies are all prime examples. These are things that depend on where and when you grew up, what…