

Why good enough isn’t good enough

Recently I’ve been bothered by a trend. I call it the trend of ‘good enough.’ You might have different names for it. Some call it settling, others disguise it as ‘we’ve always done it this way’, I’ve even seen awards given in the name of participation - all of these fall into ‘good enough.’ Good enough is the idea that even though something isn't working to it’s fullest potential, it’s still ‘good enough’ - and it drives me mad. Individuals…

Goodbyes and Bike Rides

I didn’t see it coming. I was on our couch cuddling with my son Tuesday morning when I got a call from my aunt, informing me that within the hour my grandfather had passed. Adrenaline took over, and within a few seconds I was talking to my mom and letting her know I was on my way into town to help. The rest of the day seemed like every other day I have spent in similar circumstances (of which there…


There is a wound in our world. Perhaps more appropriately, a gash. A hole from which blood pours and pain radiates. It reveals to reality all that is inside of us, and it isn't always pretty. Over the past few years in America, the wound has been growing larger. They do that when you irritate them. Pick at them, brush them against something, catch the scab and rip it off - it doesn't matter how - when you don’t leave…

Control Freaks

I wish spring would make up it’s mind. Here in Wisconsin it has been a week of sun and 70’s followed by one rain and 40’s. I know it’s probably normal, but it still isn't fun. We had our windows open last weekend, enjoying the breeze, and who knows, tomorrow I might need to turn the furnace back on. If I believed Mother Nature to be a real person, I would want to punch her in the face. I have…


I am broken. I struggle. There are many days I do not know that I will make it through. Such is the life of a person. Not a person defined by a set of letters or a medical diagnosis, but a person who lives in this falling world. All of us struggle. All of us hurt. All of us are parts of a whole that has never quite been put together. In this and many other ways, I am no…

New music friday

Tomorrow is Friday. That’s a good thing for many reasons, but one of my favorite is that Friday is ‘new music day.’ It used to be Tuesday, but now it’s Friday. There’s probably an algorithm or some sort of smart marketing strategy that decided that, but no matter, it’s new music on Friday. I’ve been thinking about my love for new music, probably too much to be honest, but the thing I can’t quite put my finger on is the…

What did you say?

Po-tay-to, po-tah-to. Many people would argue it is the same word. According to an english teacher I think we’d all have to admit that they are. But they sound different. Sometimes people use different words for the same thing too. “Would you like a Coke?" "Yes, please." "What kind?" "Excuse me?" "I asked what kind." "You asked if I wanted a Coke?" "Oh, you see here in the south we call all soda (or is it pop?) Coke." "Oh…..” I…